The Write On Calligraphers library contains a large variety of books, CD’s, DVDs, periodicals, slides and tapes that are accessible for check out by all of our members. A complete library list is available by Subject, by Title, by Author or by Non-Book (periodicals, tapes, slides)
Just a few subjects available include:
- learning calligraphic styles
- modern calligraphy samples
- historical calligraphy pieces
- Celtic designs
- bookbinding
- paper making
- marbling
- illumination
- drawing
- painting
- calligraphic magazines
- educational media
Library Policy
Members of WOC may peruse the library at Write On Calligraphers meetings. Books are checked out for a period of two months and are due at the next regular meeting.
We request that you return materials promptly so that others may enjoy them. If no one is waiting for an item, it is possible to renew for an additional two-month period. If items are not returned as requested, we expect to be reimbursed for the cost of replacement, plus handling charges.
WOC gratefully accepts donations of books, periodicals and DVDs in the calligraphy, lettering, paper and book arts genres. They will be used to increase the library size and quality or for book sales and silent auctions. If you are downsizing your own collection, please consider such a donation. Contact our current WOC Librarian at . Add “Library” to the subject line. Thank you.